What are the challenges faced during custom software development?

Custom software development is the infrastructure available to create a software application to suit the specific organization’s needs. It resolves the challenges faced by the firm. Developing a custom software process is unlike ‘moving a magic wand’, and you get the end product. It involves a lengthy procedure starting from research, design, development, testing, support, and maintenance.
But what is the way to start it?
Organizations choose to develop software applications in-house depending on their size and amenities. Their present IT team and outside developers help them to achieve that mission. The other option available is to approach a reputed software application development firm. Each has its own set of merits & demerits, and their cost varies accordingly.
Moving further, there is a preconceived notion that ‘Software development is akin to ‘building the next Tesla’ needing an undisclosed investment. Customs software development gives you an array of products available within your means. Take the example of iSQUARE Business Solution Pvt. Ltd. Provides Web Development, ERP Development & Customization solutions.
What are the types of Software?
There are only two types of Software available in the market.
- Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software (COTS)
- Custom Software
Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software – is readymade Software with in-built features. All you must do is purchase and install it in your system. A classic example is Microsoft office applications.
Custom Software – this is customized Software designed to suit the firm’s parameters. It is not available instantaneously and needs to go through a trail of activities before the product reaches your hand. Examples include hospitals having their Software or hotel chains developing their application.
What Types of Organizations Need Custom Software?
It is customary for firms to prefer off-the-shelf Software as it is cost-effective, readily available, and fulfils the basic requirements. However, many firms prefer customized Software to suit their business specifications. We can find out who those firms are.

Software for Expanding Businesses
As businesses flourish, they become interested in expanding their product or services. Some business houses want to introduce a new line to the products. This can be either through acquisitions or mergers, or start-ups. The off-the-shelf Software will not serve its purpose and need to fine-tune it. Yet, it will never produce the desired results. In cases like this, firms should have ‘custom-built Software with their specifications. For Eg, Tata Industries have diversified industries from Software, automobiles, and steel. Hence, they prefer custom-built Software.
iSQUARE Web app development is the right fit for building your application.
Software for Established Businesses
A well-established business house needs to align itself to compete with emerging competitors from various sources. Their present software application becomes redundant as developed years ago and cannot support the modern platform like cloud connectively and new functionalities. It is advisable to custom-make with all the needed support to be at par with the technology trend.
Software for Automating Tasks:
Some firms sometimes prefer to automate time-consuming, repetitive, and error-prone tasks. Their present software tools are ill-equipped to execute these tasks. Therefore, a custom-software developer will understand their entire business processes and customize the Software as envisaged. For example, firms automate financial processes like accounts payable, bank reconciliation, and entries posting in their respective accounting.
Software for a new line of Business
When firms start with a new idea or have only a few players in the market, no readymade software will be available to help your business model. Investment needs to be made for developing Software in proposition to your business. E.g., when Uber started, there was no precedence that they had to create a new app with user specs. For start-ups, the flexibility to link to various equipment gets easier through iSQUARE Mobile app development
The demand for ‘custom software development’ does not establish a fact that it will be a ‘cakewalk’ for both the developer and the customer. They are mired with hurdles, and finding the appropriate solutions is the challenge both must overcome.
What are the challenges and their solutions?
Firms generally tend to become enthusiastic when developing new Software that accommodates their digital requirements. However, The Standish Group report states otherwise. 31.1% of projects stand cancelled before completion, and 52.7% of projects run twice on a surplus budget. These tall claims are sufficient to deter investors towards their software development. Accepting the challenge and providing remedial solutions to enjoy the fruits is advisable.
1. Soft skills challenges
Poor communication & language barrier
We are not living in an age where sign language is sufficient to convey ideas. Communication problem may look peripheral in hindsight, but it takes the core stage. If the software developer fails to comprehend the customer’s project requirements, the end product will be in jeopardy.
Team working together Favour not just competency but mutual communication. The technical person handling the project needs to have fluency in the English language as most communication is taking place there.
- The cultural barrier can be efficiently dealt with if the developers are from the same geographical terrain. It is not an ideal solution, yet cultural compatibility helps in the early ‘ice-breaking’ technique.
- The written form of communication gets ‘documented’. Addressing the specifics in technical jargon will leave no room for contemplation. A rough sketch is an added benefit.
- Send the final document to the product development team through ‘E-mail’. Ensure to copy to the management team for better negotiations in case of discrepancies.
2. Financial challenges
Hidden cost
It is common knowledge that customers face in all fields of development. The quotation received from the developer is relatively lower than the market prices. Once the dotted line is signed and when the final bill is submitted for payment. The customer gets the surprise of his life with an escalated price. There is a hidden cost embedded that has yet to come to the knowledge of the customer.
Additionally, the cost for poorly written code ends up with a shabby product. In the long term, it derails the user experience and goodwill of the firm. A security breach will be an issue that adds to the sum of the product.
- Get a formal Business Requirement Document (BRD) from your software developer.
- Get the estimated cost based on the document mentioning even the details.
- Any deviation from the informal contract leaves the customer in an advantageous position in case of disagreement.
- Give priority to security and incorporate advanced security features as part of the contract.
3. Technical challenges
Fluctuating and Ambiguous software requirements
Before approaching the developer, the customer needs to gather all the requirements to establish a basis to build the Software. If the customer is uncertain about what is required, it leads to a wrong estimation of completion time and budget allocation. The primary issue faced by the developer is that customer requirements are ambiguous and keep changing with the industry’s evolving needs. What is latest today became redundant the other day, so the estimation remains inaccurate.
- Get input from various department heads and the IT team before writing your plan.
- Any additions to the product – re-think the incremental value it adds to your firm.
- Document all the essential features and functionalities to integrate into your application.
- Do market research on the latest trends.
- Choose the best software development company that provides the infrastructure.
4. Flawed Product
A perfect software devoid of bugs and glitches is like ‘icing on the cake’. All firms and developers work towards the quality of the product, but it is a ‘utopian dream’. Bugs and hitches are part and parcel of every Software. The main objective is to reduce their occurrences.
If the level of malfunctioning increases, the threshold level will negatively impact your business. Firstly, there is a delay in the launch because developers need time to fix it. Secondly, if issues arise after launch, there is a greater level of customer dissatisfaction. Consequently, this tarnishes the firm’s reputation and garners negative market reviews.
- Invest in quality assurance testing from the beginning itself. The earlier the flaws get detected sooner it reduces the time and effort to fix them.
- Define each milestone and test them once it is attained. It helps to figure out any discrepancies in the flow.
- Before launching the project, ensure to go through the entire downstream procedures for detecting anomalies in the system.
- Testing becomes the backbone to define the success of the product. Building a customer base and attracting new clients is feasible only when they share a satisfactory experience.
Why iSQUARE Business Solution is the right choice?
Software development is a sticky wicket requiring a defined sketch of planning, a two-way of healthy communication and quality assurance. If there is any mode of disruption to the flow of the business, stakeholders pay a hefty penalty for addressing these problems.
iSQUARE Business Solution Pvt. Ltd an ISO-certified company, since its inception, has built an impressive range of products garnering successful, positive testimonials & reviews from users. Our years of technical & industrial expertise help our customers to find the right solutions to their problems.
Getting the right software developer to collaborate is half the problem solved, and leave the rest to us to accomplish your needs. Call us to lead your way.