How SMBs can benefit from Cloud Computing Services?

Modern business practices cannot apply the same entrepreneurship skills done in the past. They are combating robust and expanding competition. The requirements of the customers keep on morphing as per the latest trends. What is in vogue presently becomes outdated within a shorter period.
SMBs are working towards revenue optimization and simultaneously endeavour to reduce costs. Incidentally, they are struggling with an intrusion of information & digital transformation knocking on every firm’s doorstep.
Whether SMBs favour their presence or not, it became an added feature of their business framework. As per the research conducted by Logic Monitor’s Cloud Vision 2020, 83% of business data will remain in the Cloud from 2020.
What are cloud computing services, and how can SMBs utilize them?
All SMBs have at least a minimal digitalization presence to work with their vendors and customers. The generated data will not diminish with time. On the contrary, it will enlarge. Securing, storing, backup and restoration of data becomes an issue. A considerable amount of funds must be diverted from their budget to safeguard the enterprise’s treasures.
Cloud computing services are platforms where SMBs can store and access their data via the internet. These offsite servers are physical and perform the same functions as our servers, hardware and software. However, they are owned and micro-managed by a third party having the financial strength to secure an inordinate amount of their client information. SMBs can utilize the services on a subscription basis, depending on their requirements, cost-effectively.
Three types of platforms are available, namely
- Public Cloud – for email services, data storage and running computer applications.
- Private Cloud – has the same privileges as public but caters only to an individual enterprise.
- Hybrid Cloud – a mixture of both public and private. Confidential data stored in private and other services are shared in public.
Let us go into detail and see what the various types of benefits Cloud computing services can benefit the SMBs.

A. Flawless security
Firms distinguish themselves from their competitors in many ways. One of the most vital characteristics they embody is the confidentiality and security of the documents they work with. When there is a breach of data, then the reputation of the firm is blemished.
Since SMBs struggle with limited budget fencing their data, Cloud computing is a ‘blessing in disguise’. Reputed cloud service providers have sophisticated security teams to protect the data of their subscribers.
Access to data is not limited to specific computers. The management using their log-in credentials, have access to data from any part of the work.
Time and workforce for security purposes can be utilized for other valuable tasks.
The cost involved is marginal compared to an entire team or deploying expensive firewalls.
For example, Gmail or other common mail service has the required data protection and restricted network access while using APIs and proxy services.
B. Facilitates integration
Integrating your business with the Cloud may sound like a herculean task. On the contrary, it is the initial set-up that is crucial. The rest ensues if you know which benchmark is vital for integrating your systems. A sizable percentage of SMBs do not have cloud computing literacy. They are averse to taking risks in unknown territory.
Cloud computing does not require implementation process knowledge. The service provider helps you in resolving the issues.
Cloud service providers charge reasonably and help subscribers save time.
For example, through the Cloud, all users connect to data in real-time, manage, share and distribute data irrespective of size, e.g., finance & accounting, entertainment, and hospital industries.
C. Planned growth
SMBs and start-ups invariably always deal with financial constraints. Their priorities vary as per the situation. When they shift their focus by subscribing to a well-established cloud service provider. The team is relieved from issues of hardware or software. They get access to the recently launched or upgraded hardware/software.
Utility and value-added tasks are concentrated on data analytics, product improvising, and market research by the top team.
Assign the decisions to the employees to help them achieve their targets, thereby enhancing productivity.
Growth occurs when deliverables are done with ease and have flawless customer service.
D. Promotes Innovation
SMBs need to exist and flourish in a cut-throat competitive industry. Every dawn brings a new entrepreneur trying to reach out to the same crowd. If you need to sustain, the solution lies in ‘Innovation’.
Cloud computing removes the burden of hardware and digital management. The management attains additional quality time to invest in innovation. Market penetration becomes more straightforward with new ideas on the floor and tested.
One such successful innovation is through helping in marketing the product with ease. Customers can pay for their services through the use of APIs. PayPal and PayTm are examples that facilitate business.
E. Supports Scalability
Cloud service providers can increase their data capacity depending on subscribers’ traffic. Either the exact user needs additional storage capacity, or the new subscribers take the service.
It is not feasible for SMBs as they cannot precisely predict the amount of data they generate. During expansion, audio/visuals/images media tools are used as part of their promotion strategy. They have to spend unnecessarily on data storage. Additionally, it is a loss of time, effort and risk.
When an SMB wants to diversify its product brand, e.g., Wipro diversified its product brand from soap manufacturing and ventured to IT consultancy. In cases like that, there is a requirement for more storage space and servers. Cloud service providers will help you scale up or down without reservations.
F. Encourages remote work culture
SMBs drive their business needs with a restrained budget and numbered workforce. During unprecedented events, they need their business machinery to function ceaselessly. Working from remote stations becomes mandatory during such circumstances.
Employees’ computers will not have all the software programs installed in the office. With cloud computing, all the required updated software can work uninterrupted.
For example, work was pursued without interruption during the pandemic due to cloud servicing. WFH is now the new norm, and both employers & employees are hugely benefited.
G. Data synchronization, backup and restoration
Since all the SMBs’ data are cloud-hosted, they exist in a centralized location. It enormously benefits the users. There remains only one version of the same file. Staff can function from various locations, access the same file, and update it. The management team can get their revenue figures in real-time.
Any untoward incident in the work premises will not affect the data as they are placed in a remote location.
Auto backup and restoration of files happen without any form of disruption.
During emergencies like flooding, or fire, if there is a data loss through Cloud servicing, the work can start immediately with the help of backup data.
It is a human tendency to reject innovations & ideas. Cloud computing service is no exception to the golden rule. SMBs realize that they need breakthrough solutions to do fair and profitable business with limited resources.
On such gateway is iSQUARE Business solution Pvt. Ltd, where we guarantee uninterrupted access to your digital applications in our cloud platform. Being ISO 27001 certified is proof that your data remains untampered in our secured vaults. Our state-of-art set-up gives you access to all the updated software, hardware and web-based applications. Years of accumulated experience help us migrate and synchronize with your applications easily.
Call us to know more about us; we are available around the clock.